
❀Learning Log 5 (Inside classroom)

Today, I learned about “How to write an English language lesson plan?”.
       The first Goals explain the reasoning behind what you will teach in a session. They articulate what you wish to accomplish and help to map your direction.
       The second Objectives are student performances of the concepts described in your session goals. They are often referred to as 'learning outcomes' because they define more specifically what skills students will be able to demonstrate after your session. They can be used to assess the effectiveness of the session.
       The third is strand and standard. Teacher have to choose strand and standard that is appropriate with background knowledge of the students and complete all standard that students should know. Objective must be clear, specific and concise.
      The fourth is learning outcomes. This is the learning result of students. Teacher must have assessment during students doing activity and then evaluation when finished class.
       Lastly ,Input + 1 = comprehensible input". Input means background knowledge of the students, 1 means knowledge from teacher. Start class with little difficult lesson for making comprehension of the student.
        In conclusion,There are important to English teacher. Lesson plan should   have goal, objective and standard.

