
❀Some Tips On How to Teach English(Outside classroom)

            Teaching anyone a foreign language can be pretty hard. It is really hard for many people to understand how to teach English.
            Teaching anyone a foreign language can be pretty hard. It is really hard for many people to understand how to teach English. If this is your job, there are many ways to make your learners to gain the right skills once their course is complete. As their teacher, you have to also dedicate your time to learn about the things that you can do to make it easier to teach this subject. If you are teaching English as a second language, your learners will be looking up to you to acquire their first language skills. This is why you have to give the English language learners the right information at the very beginning.
            First of all, you need to understand that teaching this language does not involve showing your students how to memorize some common English words and phrases and teaching them a little bit of grammar. Some of the core elements of English teaching are listening and pronunciation. For your students to gain some listening skills in English, you can ask them to speak English and then record their speeches. Ask the English language learners to compare the way they speak English with the native speakers’ speech. Practicing this activity will help them to improve on their listening and pronunciation.
            Your students also need to learn how to speak the language. This can be done through face to face teaching whereby the English teacher selects a suitable topic for the students. In such a case, one of the mistakes that should be avoided completely is interrupting students when they are speaking. You shouldn’t try and correct the students’ errors as they speak. This will lower your students’ morale and prevent them from engaging in any public speaking.
You also need to teach your students how to read English. Your students need to recognize the right vocabularies. You can help them to be confident when reading English by using a number of teaching activities like scanning and skimming. You should also think of investing in a number of text books which are available to help ESL teachers boost their student’s reading skills. 
          Other than the text books, there is also the option of online software that can be a helpful resource for those who want to get intensive reading courses for English language learners. When teaching your students how to write English, you need to consider their age and their main purpose of learning the language. Other areas like punctuation and grammar can also be improved.
           As an English teacher, you might also need a course outline and lesson plan when teaching this language. The course outline is usually given by the school because it helps the student to get an overview of what the ESL course will cover. Most teachers who need a lesson plan have a number of other lessons to teach in a day. They need the lesson plan to help organize well. This plan should be properly written in a concise manner. If you are an English teacher, there are a number of online resources where you can get critical information on how to teach this language. Get online to find out more.


❀Learning Log 4 (Inside classroom)

On June 24  2013, I learned about teaching methods . I listened to my friends's present five methods.

           First, Pronunciation  teaching  is one of the key constituents of success while learning and teaching a foreign language. Various techniques may be used by teachers to teach their students how to speak and pronounce correctly the sounds. Some teachers focus their attention on teaching specific sounds of a foreign language; usually these sounds are those that are uncommon for the learners’ native language.

          Second, Culture is a broad concept that embraces all aspects of human life. Culture isn't just a list of religious traditions, or language. It is a lived experience unique to each individual. Language without cultural relevance is nearly useless. Yet successfully teaching the cultural element in our foreign language classes remains elusive. In general, culture emphasizes the learner's ability to perceive, to understand, and ultimately, to accept cultural relativity.

            Third, Test specification teaching, Evaluation of the language in this period will be assessed according to Jing. No evaluation of the test.  Evaluation of  language resources given technology, comparing different approaches to a given problem, assessing the availability of resources and technologies for a given application.

            Fourth, Communicative language teaching makes use of real-life situations that necessitate communication. This  method focus on interactive between teacher to student, student to teacher and student to student. Interactive between teacher to students is teacher should ask the question then student can answer the question. Interactive between students to teacher is the student can express their opinion. Interactive between student to student is they are interactive by group work or pair work.

         Lastly, Communicative competences are are four kinds of competence: Linguistics or grammatical competence is teaching pronounce, vocabulary, and structure of grammar, Sociolinguistics competence is language with other culture, Discourse competence is reading for interpret and Strategic competence is how to solve the problem in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

          In conclusion,There are important five  methods to English language teacher. student should learn about this.After my friend present I understand the method and know meaning about method.


❀VOA: Getting Schools Not Just to Go Green but Teach It,.

govern (v.)
- ปกครอง
Conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a state, organization, or people) with authority.
Ex. He was incapable of governing the country.
establish (v.)
/ɪˈstablɪʃ, ɛ-/
-  สร้าง
Bridge ensure that one’s remaining cards in (a suit) will be winners (if not trumped) by playing off the high cards in that suit:
Ex. The right plan would be to establish dummy’s diamonds.
measure (v.)
- วัด
having a slow, regular rhythm:
Ex. She set off with measured tread.
issue (n.)
/ˈɪʃuː, ˈɪsjuː/
- ประเด็นที่
personal problems or difficulties:
Ex. I like him, though I have some issues with the guy.
- เสีย
[with object] use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose:
Ex. I don’t use the car, so why should I waste precious money on it?

❀Chat with foreigner


❀Evaluation(Outside classroom)

              Evaluation is the systematic assessment of the worth or merit of some object. This definition is hardly perfect. There are many types of evaluations that do not necessarily result in an assessment of worth or merit descriptive studies, implementation analyses, and formative evaluations, to name a few. Better perhaps is a definition that emphasizes the information-processing and feedback functions of evaluation.
             The generic goal of most evaluations is to provide "useful feedback" to a variety of audiences including sponsors, donors, client-groups, administrators, staff, and other relevant constituencies. Most often, feedback is perceived as "useful" if it aids in decision-making. But the relationship between an evaluation and its impact is not a simple one -- studies that seem critical sometimes fail to influence short-term decisions, and studies that initially seem to have no influence can have a delayed impact when more congenial conditions arise. Despite this, there is broad consensus that the major goal of evaluation should be to influence decision-making or policy formulation through the provision of empirically-driven feedback.
           To conclude, Evaluation is the systematic acquisition and assessment of information to provide useful feedback about some object.